October 10, Tuesday
8:00am Networking Coffee & Breakfast
8:30am Conference Kick off Katy Gondring – Midland Scientific, Inc.
8:40am Update from Renewable Fuels Nebraska– Dawn Caldwell
9:00am Introduction of all Speakers
9:05am Feed and Protein Markets
- DDGS update: Stephanie Gleason, Phibro, Kristy Moore, Growth Energy
- DDGS Proficiency Test Program- Chris McCullough, John Gallagher, ASTM International
10:00am Exhibitor/Networking Break
10:45am Attracting Talent to the Laboratory– Jamie McKibben, SIRE
11:15am Leadership- Esther Homandberg, BION
11:45am Open Discussion on Industry Quality Issues– Kristy Moore, Bart Plocher, POET, Jacki Fee, Cargill
12:00pm Lunch Break
1:15pm Distiller’s Corn Oil for Renewable Diesel– Shawn Broughton, Marathon
2:00pm Unlocking D3 RINS: Analysis of Corn Kernel Fiber Ballot at ASTM
EPA Update– Brian Orsten, Christianson and Associates
ASTM Update– Bart Plocher, POET, David Mangan, Neogen
3:00pm Exhibitor/Networking Break
3:45pm-4:15 pm First Breakout Session
Tract 1- HPLC– Keaton Albers, IFF
Tract 2- Instrument Troubleshooting– Brittany Erickson, Foundation Analytical Lab
Tract 3- IC- Larry Tucker, Metrohm
4:15pm-4:30pm Wrap up questions and change sessions.
4:30pm-5pm Second Breakout Session
Tract 1- KF Analysis– Kerri-Ann Blake, Metrohm
Tract 2- Instrument Troubleshooting- Brittany Ericksom
Tract 3- GC- Tessa Schmitz, BION
5:30pm- FELC Happy Hour
October 11, Wednesday
8:00am Networking Coffee & Breakfast
8:30am Day 2 Intro
8:40am A History of Ethanol and Midland Scientific– Katy Gondring & Diane Lechner, Midland Scientific
9:00am What’s New in Fermentation Analysis?
Yeast Prop Optimization– Rachel Murdy, Lallemand
Hot Topics in Troubleshooting Fermenters– Anne Chronic and Stephanie Gleason, Phibro
10:00am Exhibitor/Networking break
10:45am Is Your Data Worthy and Secure?
Calibration Standards– Tessa Schmitz, Emily Reade, BION
Data Integrity/LIMS– Diane Young, Foundation Analytical Lab
11:45am Best Practices for Transportation of Finished Products- Kristy Moore, Growth Energy
12:00pm Closing and Lunch