October 15-16

2024 Agenda

October 15, Tuesday

8:00 am Networking coffee

8:30 am Conference Kick off Katy Gondring – Midland Scientific

8:40 am Ethanol Progress in Nebraska and The Upcoming Presidential Election,  Dawn Caldwell, Renewable Fuels Nebraska

9:00 am  Introduction of all Speakers

9:05 am  Carbon Dioxide Focus

·       CO2 101 Analytical Procedures

·       Carbon Dioxide applications

10:00 am Exhibitor / Networking break

10:45 am Analytics of New Fermentation Products Evaluation:  Stephanie Gleason, Phibro

11:15 am Statistical Quality Control and Control Charts; A Primer for a for Ensuring Laboratory Accuracy- Chris McCullough, ASTM International

12:00pm Lunch Break

1:15 pm Statistical Quality Control (cont’d)- Chris McCullough, ASTM International

2:00 pm  Corn Kernal Fiber Focus

·       The ASTM Method:  E3417, Bart Plocher, POET

·       Measurement Challenges with Corn Kernal Fiber

·       Including Small Grains in Fiber Analysis

3:00 pm Exhibitor / Networking break

3:45 – 4:15 pm First Breakout session (TBD)

Tract 1- Calibration Standards or HPLC, Pedro Pena, CTE 

Tract 2- Instrument Trouble shooting, Foundation Analytical

4:15 – 4:30pm Wrap up questions and change sessions.

4:30 – 5:00 pm Second Breakout Session (TBD)

Tract 1- Instrument Troubleshooting, Tessa Schmitz, Bion

Tract 2- Water Chemistry, Metrohm

5:00 – 5:15 pm Wrap up questions 

5:30 pm FELC Happy Hour

October 16, Wednesday

8:00 am Networking Coffee

8:30 am Day 2 intro – Katy Gondring – Midland Scientific

8:35 am Ethanol at Retail Fuel Stations

9:00 am Corn

Corn Inspection Procedures, Jeff L’Heureaux, USDA Federal Grain Inspection Service

Grain Testing, Rapid Test Kit Chemistry:  Sam Green, Envirologix

10:00 am Exhibitor / Networking break

10:45 am AI Machine Learning Applied to Ethanol Production

11:45 am  Professional Development

12:00 pm Closing / Lunch

*agenda subject to change*


Speaker Suggestions Welcome

If you would like to give a presentation during the 2024 conference please send your qualifications and a presentation description, reach out below.